About Me

Hi, My name is Junwoo Seo
I’m a Software/Graphics/Physics programmer.


  • Bachelor of Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
    DigiPen Institute of Technology (GPA 3.79/4.0)
    Dean’s Honor List: Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023
  • Bachelor of Computer Science degree in Game Engineering
    Digipen-KMU Dual Degree Program
    Keimyung University (GPA 4.14/4.5) 
    Dean’s Honor List: Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018


  • Programming Language: C, C++, C#, Python, Javascript, CSS, HTML, GLSL, Lua
  • Framework & Library: OpenGL, DirectX 12, Docker, GLFW, EnTT, ImGui, Three.js
  • Engine & Tools: Unity, Visual Studio, VS Code, git, svn, doxygen, cmake, premake, make, gcc/g++, Blender
  • Math: Linear Algebra, Geometry, Calculus & Analytic Geometry, Vector Calculus, Discrete Mathematics
  • Language: English, Korean, Japanese


– Physics Engine –

Cloth Simulation
I developed a Cloth Physics Simulation in JavaScript using the Extended Position Based Dynamics (XPBD) method. XPBD ensures stable and realistic cloth simulation.
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Soft Body Physics Simulation
This simulation demonstrated highly realistic behavior of deformable objects, allowing natural responses to forces, collisions, and deformations in real-time.
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– Rendering Engine –

DynamicPose (C++/OpenGL)
A custom rendering engine that integrates advanced techniques in graphic animation, inverse kinematics, and path following. The engine is designed to simulate realistic character movements and animations, allowing for smooth transitions and precise control over motion paths. By leveraging inverse kinematics, the engine ensures natural and physically accurate poses, while…
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FresnelEngine (C++/OpenGL)
In this demo, I implemented various advanced rendering techniques, including the Fresnel effect, refraction, and reflection, along with multiple UV mapping methods (cube, planar, cylindrical, spherical). The demo also compares UV mapping calculations on the CPU versus GPU, examining visual differences and how UV mapping behaves based on normal versus…
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HeapOverFlow (C++/OpenGL)
This custom engine highlights the implementation of advanced graphic programming techniques, including Toon Shading, Fog, Grass Generation with Tessellation and Geometry Shaders, and Shadow Mapping. Each technique is described in terms of its technical execution and the resulting visual and performance improvements in the project.
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– Game (Custom & Game Engines) –

Cu Blight (Unity / C#)
Cu Blight is a fast-paced action roguelike. Move, shoot, and dash through randomly selected rooms to defeat every enemy and find your way to the boss of each area. Defeating enemies gives you experience; you gain new abilities and enhancements as you level up.
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– General –

Notepad Calculator(using WIN32API hooking)

Overview Program Github Developed a Notepad Calculator by hooking into the WIN32 API to transform Notepad into a functional calculator. This project demonstrates the ability to intercept and modify API calls to extend the capabilities of a basic text editor. Motivation One of my hobbies is reverse engineering, where I…

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Curves (C#/.NET Framework)
This project demonstrates advanced curve generation techniques using C#/.NET, including Bezier curves, B-Splines, and various polynomial functions. The demo features real-time interaction, allowing users to manipulate control points and observe the effects on the curves, showcasing the mathematical principles and practical applications of these algorithms.
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